Have you ever been in such darkness it scared you? When I was 18yrs I went to work in a coal mine. About 1.5 kilometres underground. We had to wear these helmets with a little light on the front so we could see.
My first day of doing this was training day. We went down in an underground car. It was like riding on a roller coaster in the dark. Because the roof was low it felt like we were going really fast. We would be turning right and left, and over little dips. It was great. Eventually we stopped and had to get out. The car drove off and we stood there with our lights on. Then we were told. “Now turn your lights off.” It was pitch black. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face. My heart was pounding. It felt like eternity before we were told, “OK, turn on your lights. Your light is important take care of it.” Wow. I came to appreciate light through that experience. We cannot live without light or we will go crazy and eventually we will die.
Is 59:9b–10a and 60:1-2. This was written more than 2000 yrs ago. The nation of Israel had heard from God many times in the past but because of their sin He was silent and mankind was living in darkness. Waiting in hope that one day their Messiah would come and bring light.
When Jesus came, He brought light. John 8:12
12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” People gathered to the light; wherever Jesus went, people gathered to see and hear Him.
Spiritually we are all in darkness and we need Jesus to bring light to our lives. The light of understanding that will cause us to respond; “Oh, that’s why I am here. That’s my purpose. You love me.” You have a purpose for being here. You are not just here just to exist, eat food, sleep, go shopping, make babies, eat more food, sleep and then die. You have a purpose.
Japan is a nation with so much light- neon signs everywhere. Yet as a people – there is so much darkness. People are lost in the darkness, crying out, “Help me. Is there more to life? Why am I here? Won’t someone notice me?”
Last Monday night I went out to a Sushi train restaurant. Afterward we walked around 3rd Planet at BiVi; it’s an entertainment centre with lots of computer games. We were both amazed. It was a Monday night and there were so many people out. Most of them were playing games alone. “Wow, look at these people, they are adults, not kids.” Most people were in their 30’s. “They are lonely and bored.” The truth is they are in the darkness and not sure how to get out so they are trying to escape by playing a computer game.
We are all in darkness until we meet Jesus. Then He sends us to be the light of the world. Matt 5:14.
Yet sometimes as Christians we can feel like we are alone in darkness. Sometimes it feels like Jesus is far off. “He’s not answering my prayer. I don’t know what to do next with my life. I want to get married but he hasn’t brought my partner to me yet. My family isn’t saved. My friends won’t listen. God are you there?”
No matter what is happening in your life, you are not alone; He is always with you. His word is a light to your feet, a lamp unto your path. He is the light within you. Though you walk through the valley of shadow of death – He is with you. The valley of darkness, the valley of singleness, the valley of feeling like a failure, the valley of loneliness. Whatever your valley is – you’re not alone.
Sometimes we can feel like we are on a YAMA with KAMI SAMA. Other times it may feel like a dark valley. But He is walking with you, lighting the way. He is calling you to trust Him.
Is 59:9b–10a and 60:1-2.
59:9b We look for light, but there is darkness! For brightness, but we walk in blackness!
59:10a We grope for the wall like the blind, And we grope as if we had no eyes;
60:1 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.
60:2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.
Matt 5:14
14 “You are the light of the world.”