Hello World,
This is my personal blog. I will get to it when I can. to see more of what is happening in my world check out the igniteyoungadult.blogspot.com
I chose the title for my blog based on a tshirt I used to wear when I was in my heavy metal, long hair and goatie stage of life.
The Resurrection Band from the 70's to the 90's had this t shirt that had a statment that has stayed with me from those days. LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR A CHANGE.
This reminds me to never settle down and accept this is my lot in life but it encourags me to always look out at life for change. If we aren't growing and changing, what are we? Settled, Stagnent or even Dead.
Jesus came to give life and life abundantly.
Change me Jesus to be more like you.
Pictures of Kyoto