I have been preaching a lot about Grace and I am using a story that Jesus told about a son who asked his father for his inheritance and than the son goes to a far land and spends it all. When he comes to himself he decides to return to the father and ask for forgiveness. The response from the father is amazing. Luke 15:11- 32
Many people would think the father would attack the son with abuse or pull out a samurai sword and hack him to pieces. But the father runs to the son, and hugs and kisses him. Instead of anger the father shows grace. Just like this lion instead of attacking her he kisses her.
God doesn't want to judge and condemn you he wants to kiss you which means to accept you as his son / daughter.
When I preached this at Church I said, "Tonight we are going to focus on the kiss of the father. For you to fully understand this message I need for you to experience a kiss. SO everybody please stand." One girl shot to her feet while every one was looking around nervously. "Is he for real?" Then I said, "jordan desu." (Just kidding.) The pastor said to me, "Japanese are too reserved for that." I replied, "Don't worry I was just kidding." The funniest thing was the girl who jumped up. She really wanted a kiss. lol