Yesterday on the news I read about the young man that went on a stabbing frenzy in downtown Tokyo. yahoo newsWhat a tragedy. The thing I heard through the report was the young man claimed he didn't want to live. What sadness that others had to die for his lack of desire to live.
My heart now goes out for those who are mourning from this; but this also brings me to think, how many other young men are on the edge? Fustrated with life, having no meaning and no purpose in their life has to come to an edge at some point. Many suffer in silence whilst some choose other ways to release their pain.
For Japan the issues aren't seen untill a tradegy like this surfaces. This just highlights to me the need for a Saviour. Not one out of a Manga magazine but the creator of our lives.
Despite this incident there is great things happening in Japan. Through our church here in Kyoto and other great church's
jesuslifehouse jhouse
If anyone is looking to serve in Japan these are three great church's to consider.
May the light of Jesus rise and bring hope to this nation.
Pictures of Kyoto