Recently I felt compelled to write out my testimony in less than 100 words and make a gospel track so I could give it out to people when the opportunity arose.
Have you ever felt empty inside? I used to feel empty inside and wondered why I was the way I was. What was the point to my life? As a child I learnt about Jesus but I never knew Him. As a young person I felt insecure; I was shy and wouldn't say much. But one day ....
I was told if I put my trust in jesus and followed Him, He would give me new life and make life better. I surrendered to Jesus and decided to follow Him. From that day I went from feeling empty to being full. I now have a purpose for my life. I have gone from being insecure to being secure in who I am.
I have discovered we are all seperated from the God who created us because of sin and selfishness. We life our way.
We try many things to bridge this gap. Praying at shrines and temples, being a good person etc.
We try many things to fill the emptiness in our lives - more money, more shopping, relationships, gambling, and so on. But only a relationship with Jesus can fill our empitnessand help us cross to the God who created us.
Do you want to cross the gap? Do you want to have a fulfilled, purpose filled life?
Without a relationship with Jesus you will remain seperated from God forever.
You can know Him today by praying to Him. "Jesus, help me know you. Forgive me of my sin and show me a fulfilled, purpose filled life. Amen"