We all have a story. This is a question you might be asked by someone if you are late. Maybe your wife/ mum/ friend might say, “What’s your story? Why are you late?” Or maybe you did something wrong and you could be asked, “What’s your story?”
Have you ever asked God, “What’s your story?” In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. John 1:1-2, Isaiah 14:12-17 In the beginning was God, In the beginning was the Word, Jesus. They were together and they were one. God had created all the angels and one of them called Lucifer wanted what God had, he wanted God’s throne. So Lucifer was cast out of heaven with the other angels who also rebelled against God.
There is betrayal in heaven even before God makes man.
So In time God set’s about making man. It was a great day in heaven when God made man. Gen 1:26 God said, “Let us make man in our image.” God would visit the man and they would walk together in the garden. It was a beautiful scene, the creator walking in relationship with His creation. In Gen 2 God brought all the animals and the birds to Adam so he could give them a name Panda, Monkey, Tiger, Galah, Kangaroo and Koala. What a tough job but they would have had fun coming up with all the names. Then He makes a woman for Adam. God is giving Adam everything he needs.
However, one day Gen 3 Lucifer appears as a slimy snake. “I know how to get back at the Most High God. I will get His creation, this man, to turn away from God.” As we know the devil succeeded and Adam and Eve were cast from the garden. Sin had entered the story. God’s story had suddenly gone bad. What a dark day in God’s story; more betrayal. The darkness lasted 4 thousand years until Jesus came and dealt with sin. He made a way for us to come back to the creator. What a great story! God’s story is full of love, joy, rebellion, betrayal, pain and loneliness and finally restoration and victory. SO let me ask you, “What’s your story?”
It’s not about you being born, going to school, starting work, getting married, then having kids and so on. It’s about how you fit into the master story. Does your story fit into God’s story? Or are you out there trying to make your own story happen. Trying to get a degree, trying to pay the bills, trying to get married, trying to find meaning in life. Many people live life like this, because they only see their story. They want to be the star in their own story.
But I would rather have a small role in God’s big story then be the lead role in my own small story. I used to see God’s big story, the bible, the gospel message here and my little story here. Grace had come in and saved me and changed my life. But I was still living my story, trying to be the lead role in my own story. I needed to see that my story is not about me and God entering it, but about my story being apart of God’s big story. There is only one story to be told. God’s big story and you am apart of it.
When we are in God’s story we can touch other people’s stories. We can help other people see why they are alive, why they are here. All of our stories need to fit into God’s big story. God created man to have relationship with him. God wants to have a relationship with you.
God wants to be in your story because you are in His. You are in God’s book. Psalms says that God has a book and you are in it. Even before you were born He wrote about you.
God has a story and we are in it. You weren’t made to live your own story; you were made to be in God’s story.