Nintendo, of course is a Japanese company. They make computer games. Nintendo 64, DS, Nintendo Wii.
Japan is known to be a very creative country that is always making new breakthroughs in Technology. This month at University of Osaka a robot was made called Repliee R1. It is based on a five year old girl, has silicone skin and can blink. She can move like a human and can talk. Its inventors hope it will help elderly and disabled people by doing basic tasks such as getting objects and even bringing drinks. I’d like to own one of those.
Japanese people are very good at making things. But have you ever stopped to think who made you? Some of you are thinking, “Oh, I know, my mum and dad.” Ok. Well who made your mum and dad? “That’s easy, my grandma and grandpa made them.” OK who made them, who made the first person? Was there a company called Nintendo which designed the first person? Everything has a beginning and everything is made with a plan. So who made you? Who thought of you?
Some people believe there was a big bang and earth was created then a slug popped its head up out of a pond. Then it become a fish, grew legs and arms, starting walking, went to a barber, got a hair cut, put on a suit and went to work for Toshiba as a salary man.
I want to tell you, YES there was a big bang. The bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God said, “Let’s make earth,” and bang, there is the planet earth. God said, “Let there be light.” and BANG there is light. Then on the 6th day He says, “Let us make man in our image.” And He formed the first man out of the earth. The first man was not made from a cosmic bang but rather by a loving creator forming him. And so you are created by God. God saw you being formed and said, “I have a plan for you. You are wonderful to me.” You are not a mistake, a number, you are special.
But we have all turned away from the one who has created us. We have chosen to worship and live for ourselves; choosing to worship nature rather than the creator.
He wants you to come back into relationship with Him so you can know why you are here. What’s your purpose? So God sent Jesus His son to forgive you and cover your shame. He came to show you the way back to your creator. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, the life.” Worshipping the trees and water won’t bring fulfilment to our lives only coming back to the father will do this.
No matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, no matter how you feel about yourself, your creator loves you. Imagine having a friendship with the creator of your life, of everything. You can. I have. I talk to Him everyday. He told me to tell you, “That you are made by God, you are special to Him, and He loves you.”