I was thinking of how lots of people have excuses for not becoming a Christian or for not coming to church.
The following are some of the excuses I have come across in Japan; maybe they are everywhere, maybe even yours:
"I'm not a Christian so I can't come to church."
Who said you had to be a Christian to come to church. To enter a mosque maybe you need to be a Muslim, to enter a cult's meeting you need to be a member i.e. Jehovah Witness, Mormon etc. But a Christian Church, we are all welcome.
Jesus gives an invitation to all. He said, "For this reason I have come, to seek and save sinners." He said, "Come to me all who are tired and carry a heavy load and I will give you rest."
If you have ever had these thoughts that you couldn't come then just come and experience Christ's love and acceptance for you. You are welcome.
“My Family is Buddhist so I can’t be a Christian.”
Who told you this lie? At some point your great, great, great grandpa became a Buddhist. Probably because he was told he had to or there was nothing else at the time to put his trust in. At some point he chose to be a Buddhist. Do you therefore not have a free choice to believe in what you want?
“I’m afraid of what my family will say.”
Your fear will keep you from finding peace, purpose and meaning of life. Your fear will also stop your family from receiving this new life in Jesus. If you become a Christian you could be the light of Jesus that brings the hope of Jesus to the rest of your family.
“I have other plans / I have something to do.”
Will you allow your plans and the things you do to stop you from finding what life is really about? So many people have no idea what life is about and they never face this question because they fill life up so much that they have no time to stop and reflect. “What is my life? Where am I going? Why am I here?”
Is your diary so full that you have no time to consider what is important?
“Oh, I’ve been to church before.”
Yes you may have been before, but if you’ve been to my house once does that mean you know me. To strengthen your faith in God or discover why so many trust in Jesus you have to come more than once. What you may have heard last time may only have be the beginning of what Jesus wants to say to you.
So if you are in Australia grab a friend and be at church this Sunday and see what Jesus has wants to say to you.
If you are living in Kyoto come visit us and come to our church. Jesus will answer all your questions about life and give you purpose for your existence. You are not just a number in Japan but a loved person made by God.
Pictures of Kyoto