How do you spell friend in English. FRIEND. When I was a child I would always get the IE mixed up. Then I learnt this saying. “If you fri a friend, it will be the end of your friend.”
How do we make BF that will last forever? Most people can make BF but can’t keep them forever.
Take a look at what the book of Proverbs has to say on friendship. Proverbs is a book of random thoughts on many subjects, so I have gone searching for the principles of friendship that are in this book.
These principles could also help you in your marriage; they could make you a better husband or a better wife. They could even help you find a wife or a husband.
How do we make BF that will last forever? Most people can make BF but can’t keep them forever.
Take a look at what the book of Proverbs has to say on friendship. Proverbs is a book of random thoughts on many subjects, so I have gone searching for the principles of friendship that are in this book.
These principles could also help you in your marriage; they could make you a better husband or a better wife. They could even help you find a wife or a husband.
How to make friends and keep them forever.
1. Proverbs 12:26 Choose your friends carefully.
2. Proverbs 19:6 Give gifts.
This verse is not about bribing; giving gifts to your friends is not a bad thing if done with the right motivation. It is a good way to show someone you desire friendship. Gifts can also be giving of our time or writing a note/ card to encourage another person. Sometimes I will send an email to my friends to say hi and encourage them. Japanese people already have a culture of gift giving. Do it to strengthen your friendships.
3. Proverbs 22:11 He who loves purity of heart has pure motives.
When you approach friendships your motives should not be, “What can I get from this friendship?” but “What can I give?” No body wants a friend who is using them. You have to have pure motives for friendships to last...... Everybody wants to be the king’s friend because the king has power and wealth. But who will the king choose to be friends with? A person of pure motives, not a person trying to get what the king has.
4. Proverbs 16:28 The Whisperer.
If you want to separate your friendship, talk about your friend when they are not with you; whisper, gossip about your friends. “Do you know what they told me?” “Do you know what they did last week?”
Don’t make friends with whisperers and don’t be a whisperer. Stop it. It’s only going to hurt .....
5. Proverbs 17:9 Keep a friend, Cover a friend.
6. Proverbs 18:24 Keep a Friend, Be a Friend.
True friendship has to be both ways.
7. Proverbs 27:9 Take Time to Listen.
Hearty council comes from a person who listens. You can’t bring delight to your friends if you don’t listen. Stop talking and listen to your friends.
8. Proverbs 27:14 Take Time to Listen.
1. Proverbs 12:26 Choose your friends carefully.
2. Proverbs 19:6 Give gifts.
This verse is not about bribing; giving gifts to your friends is not a bad thing if done with the right motivation. It is a good way to show someone you desire friendship. Gifts can also be giving of our time or writing a note/ card to encourage another person. Sometimes I will send an email to my friends to say hi and encourage them. Japanese people already have a culture of gift giving. Do it to strengthen your friendships.
3. Proverbs 22:11 He who loves purity of heart has pure motives.
When you approach friendships your motives should not be, “What can I get from this friendship?” but “What can I give?” No body wants a friend who is using them. You have to have pure motives for friendships to last...... Everybody wants to be the king’s friend because the king has power and wealth. But who will the king choose to be friends with? A person of pure motives, not a person trying to get what the king has.
4. Proverbs 16:28 The Whisperer.
If you want to separate your friendship, talk about your friend when they are not with you; whisper, gossip about your friends. “Do you know what they told me?” “Do you know what they did last week?”
Don’t make friends with whisperers and don’t be a whisperer. Stop it. It’s only going to hurt .....
5. Proverbs 17:9 Keep a friend, Cover a friend.
6. Proverbs 18:24 Keep a Friend, Be a Friend.
True friendship has to be both ways.
7. Proverbs 27:9 Take Time to Listen.
Hearty council comes from a person who listens. You can’t bring delight to your friends if you don’t listen. Stop talking and listen to your friends.
8. Proverbs 27:14 Take Time to Listen.
To be a good friend we have to be ready to listen.
9. Proverbs 17:17 A Friend loves at all times
A Friend loves even in the hard times, even when our friends make mistakes and hurt us; a friend loves.
So how would you match up with these principles? Would you give yourself a 9 out of 9 or do you have some areas of friendship to work on. These principles aren’t written to condemn and say you’re a bad friend but to say, “If you want to be a better friend and have friendships that last forever, follow these principles.”
Sometimes I haven’t been a good friend. Sometimes I haven’t given gifts, sometimes I’ve been a whisperer, sometimes I haven’t covered a friend with love and sometimes I haven’t listened. But I have made a decision to be a good friend, to put my friends first. As I get older I want to make sure I have good quality friends.
How are your relationships in life? Do you have the friendships you need to carry you through the rough times of life?
A friend loves at all times. I want to say that the friend who loves at all times despite all your weaknesses and mistakes is Jesus and he is always waiting to have a wonderful friendship with you.
9. Proverbs 17:17 A Friend loves at all times
A Friend loves even in the hard times, even when our friends make mistakes and hurt us; a friend loves.
So how would you match up with these principles? Would you give yourself a 9 out of 9 or do you have some areas of friendship to work on. These principles aren’t written to condemn and say you’re a bad friend but to say, “If you want to be a better friend and have friendships that last forever, follow these principles.”
Sometimes I haven’t been a good friend. Sometimes I haven’t given gifts, sometimes I’ve been a whisperer, sometimes I haven’t covered a friend with love and sometimes I haven’t listened. But I have made a decision to be a good friend, to put my friends first. As I get older I want to make sure I have good quality friends.
How are your relationships in life? Do you have the friendships you need to carry you through the rough times of life?
A friend loves at all times. I want to say that the friend who loves at all times despite all your weaknesses and mistakes is Jesus and he is always waiting to have a wonderful friendship with you.
1.12:26 正しい人は悪を離れ去る、しかし悪しき者は自ら道に迷う。
The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.
2.19:6 気前のよい人にこびる者は多い、人はみな贈り物をする人の友となる。
Many entreat the favor of the nobility, and every man is a friend to one who gives gifts.
3.22:11 心の潔白を愛する者、その言葉の上品な者は、王がその友となる。
He who loves purity of heart and has grace on his lips, the king will be his friend.
4.16:28 偽る者は争いを起し、つげ口する者は親しい友を離れさせる。
A perverse man sows strife, and a whisperer separates the best of friends.
5.17:9 愛を追い求める人は人のあやまちをゆるす、人のことを言いふらす者は友を離れさせる。
He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends.
6.18:24 世には友らしい見せかけの友がある、しかし兄弟よりもたのもしい友もある。
A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
7.27:9 油と香とは人の心を喜ばせる、しかし魂は悩みによって裂かれる。
Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.
8.27:14 朝はやく起きて大声にその隣り人を祝すれば、かえってのろいと見なされよう。
He who blesses his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it will be counted a curse to him.
9.17:17 友はいずれの時にも愛する、兄弟はなやみの時のために生れる。
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.