Pictures of Kyoto

Pictures of Kyoto

Monday, December 01, 2008

Trip to Mt Fuji

Day 1. Well we finally got away for a 3 day holiday at the end of October. We travelled first of all by foot - 15min, subway - 16min, then Shinkansen (Bullet Train) - 2 hours. Then a 2 hour local bus ride and finally arrived at Kawaguchiko where we stayed for 2 nights at K's House, a great back packer hostel. Though tired from travelling we grabbed some mountain bikes and went for a ride around the lake, whilst checking out the views of Mt Fuji. Very refreshing.

My fingers walking on Mt Fuji

Day 2. Today we headed up the mountain in a bus. We only made it to the 5th station as climbing season has closed for the year. You can only go to top if you are an experienced climber and crazy. I so wanted to go.

5th station is 2305m high. Which is higher than Mt Kosciusko in Australia.
At that height it was freezing.

This was as close to the top as we could get.

Day 3. We spent today on a sightseeing bus travelling around seeing different lakes, caves and an old village. The caves were a result of past volcanic lava flow from Mt Fuji. We also went into an ice cave where many years ago they made big blocks of ice. We also went to a bat cave, but sadly there were no bats. Can't believe we paid money to go to a bat cave that had no bats. It was fun though climbing around in these narrow lava caves.

The Fuji we were hoping to see. Photo of a picture.

For more pic's of our trip click here

How to find the right Marriage Partner.

Have you ever thought about how easy it was for Adam to find a marriage partner?
What did Adam have to do to find his marriage partner? He laid down and had a sleep and when he awoke, there she was, Eve. That’s it. A match made by God. The first relationship; how easy was that? I used to think that’s unfair, why do I have to wait?

But if Adam was here tonight, I think he would reply, “Finding Eve was easy, as you put it, not because we were the only two people, but because back then, before we disobeyed God, I simply trusted God, my Maker, to bring what was good.”

Like Adam we need to trust God for everything. Whether it’s a marriage partner, a job, strength to raise your kids, healing; we need to trust God. When I was single I had to learn to trust God for everything. He brought all the things I needed in life, including my wonderful wife. God knows all your needs, trust him.
1. Trust him for all your needs. Phil 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything let your requests be made known to God.” Matt6:33, Prov3:5-6

2. Honour God with Your Relationships. The Golden Rule for any relationship, be it either in marriage, romantic or brother/sister or friends is found in Luke 6:31, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” If you want to be treated with kindness do so to others. By doing this you will honour God.

3. Get a vision of your partner. Proverbs says, “Without a vision we dwell carelessly.” If you don’t know what sort of marriage partner you want you could fall for the first person that is nice to you. When you know what you want it’s easier to say, “No” because you know what you’re looking for.

Writing a list is good, but be careful not to make it too unrealistic. “He has to be 6 foot tall and black, speaks Japanese, English, French and Spanish, loves shopping, children and cats; has lots of muscles, money and hair. No bar codes permitted.” If this is your list you could be waiting a long time.

What’s important list?

4. Prepare yourself – work on you. When I was about 26 all I owned was a car, a drum kit and a big water bed. I wasn’t prepared for marriage. How was I going to care for someone else? I used to pray “God bring me my wife.” I had to change it to, “God prepare me for her; so I can be ready for her, to be able to care for her.”
So I got a hair cut, bought a house and learnt how to cook.

5. Don’t waste you singleness. The thing that kept me focused through my single years was that I so wanted to serve God. He made a sacrifice for me so I wanted to sacrifice my life for Him. Your single years are a gift from God; don’t waste them worrying about your married years. Focus on serving God now.

6. Make time to meet people. You won’t meet your future partner hiding in your room. Meet new people in a safe environment. The best place is the church. Bring your friends to church. Create events that people will want to come to; so new people will come. Lead them to Jesus and they may find their partner here. You also may meet someone that is brought here.

7. Follow Jesus’ Example. Eph 5:22-27, 33 Paul is speaking to husbands and wives. We ought to follow Jesus’ example just as He loves the church. God calls all our marriages to be filled with love and respect.
Wives – respect your husbands,
Husbands – love your wives.

Some people could say, “But I’m not married, what does this mean to me?”
In marriage we need love and respect. For those wanting to get married you can prepare yourself by learning to love and respect other people now. Whatever status you are at in life you can apply this to a degree.

- To love is to give, not to think about what you can get from other people.
- To respect is to think highly of someone.

If we become people who love and respect, our marriages will get better.

If we become people who love and respect we will prepare ourselves for marriage.

If we become people who love and respect we will live and work with people better.

We will enjoy life more and we will shine His light in this world.

Friday, November 21, 2008

What’s your Story?

We all have a story. This is a question you might be asked by someone if you are late. Maybe your wife/ mum/ friend might say, “What’s your story? Why are you late?” Or maybe you did something wrong and you could be asked, “What’s your story?”

Have you ever asked God, “What’s your story?” In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. John 1:1-2, Isaiah 14:12-17 In the beginning was God, In the beginning was the Word, Jesus. They were together and they were one. God had created all the angels and one of them called Lucifer wanted what God had, he wanted God’s throne. So Lucifer was cast out of heaven with the other angels who also rebelled against God.
There is betrayal in heaven even before God makes man.

So In time God set’s about making man. It was a great day in heaven when God made man. Gen 1:26 God said, “Let us make man in our image.” God would visit the man and they would walk together in the garden. It was a beautiful scene, the creator walking in relationship with His creation. In Gen 2 God brought all the animals and the birds to Adam so he could give them a name Panda, Monkey, Tiger, Galah, Kangaroo and Koala. What a tough job but they would have had fun coming up with all the names. Then He makes a woman for Adam. God is giving Adam everything he needs.

However, one day Gen 3 Lucifer appears as a slimy snake. “I know how to get back at the Most High God. I will get His creation, this man, to turn away from God.” As we know the devil succeeded and Adam and Eve were cast from the garden. Sin had entered the story. God’s story had suddenly gone bad. What a dark day in God’s story; more betrayal. The darkness lasted 4 thousand years until Jesus came and dealt with sin. He made a way for us to come back to the creator. What a great story! God’s story is full of love, joy, rebellion, betrayal, pain and loneliness and finally restoration and victory. SO let me ask you, “What’s your story?”

It’s not about you being born, going to school, starting work, getting married, then having kids and so on. It’s about how you fit into the master story. Does your story fit into God’s story? Or are you out there trying to make your own story happen. Trying to get a degree, trying to pay the bills, trying to get married, trying to find meaning in life. Many people live life like this, because they only see their story. They want to be the star in their own story.

But I would rather have a small role in God’s big story then be the lead role in my own small story. I used to see God’s big story, the bible, the gospel message here and my little story here. Grace had come in and saved me and changed my life. But I was still living my story, trying to be the lead role in my own story. I needed to see that my story is not about me and God entering it, but about my story being apart of God’s big story. There is only one story to be told. God’s big story and you am apart of it.

When we are in God’s story we can touch other people’s stories. We can help other people see why they are alive, why they are here. All of our stories need to fit into God’s big story. God created man to have relationship with him. God wants to have a relationship with you.

God wants to be in your story because you are in His. You are in God’s book. Psalms says that God has a book and you are in it. Even before you were born He wrote about you.

God has a story and we are in it. You weren’t made to live your own story; you were made to be in God’s story.

Who made you? Sony or Nintendo?

Nintendo, of course is a Japanese company. They make computer games. Nintendo 64, DS, Nintendo Wii.

Japan is known to be a very creative country that is always making new breakthroughs in Technology. This month at University of Osaka a robot was made called Repliee R1. It is based on a five year old girl, has silicone skin and can blink. She can move like a human and can talk. Its inventors hope it will help elderly and disabled people by doing basic tasks such as getting objects and even bringing drinks. I’d like to own one of those.

Japanese people are very good at making things. But have you ever stopped to think who made you? Some of you are thinking, “Oh, I know, my mum and dad.” Ok. Well who made your mum and dad? “That’s easy, my grandma and grandpa made them.” OK who made them, who made the first person? Was there a company called Nintendo which designed the first person? Everything has a beginning and everything is made with a plan. So who made you? Who thought of you?

Some people believe there was a big bang and earth was created then a slug popped its head up out of a pond. Then it become a fish, grew legs and arms, starting walking, went to a barber, got a hair cut, put on a suit and went to work for Toshiba as a salary man.

I want to tell you, YES there was a big bang. The bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God said, “Let’s make earth,” and bang, there is the planet earth. God said, “Let there be light.” and BANG there is light. Then on the 6th day He says, “Let us make man in our image.” And He formed the first man out of the earth. The first man was not made from a cosmic bang but rather by a loving creator forming him. And so you are created by God. God saw you being formed and said, “I have a plan for you. You are wonderful to me.” You are not a mistake, a number, you are special.

But we have all turned away from the one who has created us. We have chosen to worship and live for ourselves; choosing to worship nature rather than the creator.

He wants you to come back into relationship with Him so you can know why you are here. What’s your purpose? So God sent Jesus His son to forgive you and cover your shame. He came to show you the way back to your creator. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, the life.” Worshipping the trees and water won’t bring fulfilment to our lives only coming back to the father will do this.

No matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, no matter how you feel about yourself, your creator loves you. Imagine having a friendship with the creator of your life, of everything. You can. I have. I talk to Him everyday. He told me to tell you, “That you are made by God, you are special to Him, and He loves you.”

Saturday, November 08, 2008

October - What a month.

What a busy month. Birthday, sushi, karaoke, dessert night, purikura. We went to dinner with friends for Sharons birthday. Forgot the name of the restaurant, but it was on Kitayama street, near our house. They serve a four course meal and also viking stlye bread. As much as you like. Yummy bread.

We returned to our favourite place,the sushi train. This time without any of our friends so we could eat all the sushi they think is strange. Burger sushi, meat ball sushi, pork sushi.

But I also like shrimp sushi.

Then there was the famous dessert night. One of the girls had 6 bowls of ice-cream. It's not everyday you share your ice-cream with 10 other people.

And we were able to go out with some of our students and there family. They take their family to karaoke once a year, so the girls were really excited and sang like professionals. Always a good time at karaoke. Even if you can't sing.

The young people this month had a bbq party for there outreach. They had lots of people come. We had a short meeting with singing and a message from ME. It was so cold that I had to keep my message moving so we could all getto the bbq for warm. I had a couple of young people respond so it was worth it.

The boys here are trying to get the bbq started. Japanese style is to use coal and falmeand keep wave the flame till it consumes the coal. Depending on how good you are could take 3o min - to an hour. I think I prefer an aussie bbq with word or gas.

Friday, November 07, 2008

The biggest dessert ever.

I am finally getting to catch up on last months events. We had a great night out at a dessert place in Kyoto. I think it is called "Karefuneya" This dessert cost us $100.00 for 10 people. What a bargain.

I had to buy another one because I was the 11th person. I ate the little one in front and another 4 bowls of ice-cream. It was heaven untill the end.

Beforehand, everyone was so excited and ready to start eating. But afterwards no one wanted to eat ice-cream again. lol.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why Wait?

I want to talk to you about something I love and hate. I hate waiting. When I order a bento box from the shop I am told, “shyo shyo omachi kudasai.” But I’m hungry. I don’t want to wait.
It’s the same at Macdonald’s, I order a teriyaki burger and I am told, “shyo shyo omachi kudasai.” What? This is supposed to be fast food.
Waiting at the dentist is also terrible. You can hear the drill and sucker down the hallway. I hate waiting.
But there is one form of waiting I do like. No it’s not waiting for Sharon while she is shopping. It’s waiting on God. This can help us deal with many areas of life that we struggle in. We live in a society that is busy, that is about doing not about waiting. It is such a hard thing to do – our minds are so busy all day and to slow it down is quite a task.

People get tired from the constant pressure of life, the pressure to perform, pressure to compete and to pass exams. The pressure to just get through life can cause people to withdraw into depression, or into their homes, hikkomori is an example of this, some even use suicide as an escape. All of these are real problems in Japan.

Isaiah 28:31 – Here is the secret to renewing our strength and rising above our problems.
I love what the word ‘wait’ means. In Hebrew language the word for wait is “qavah.” It means, “To wait, to look for, to hope and expect.” It also means, “To bind, to twist.” Like a rope twisted and wound together. A rope is made of many smaller pieces’ of rope twisted together. It makes it very strong.
So when we wait on the Lord we are tying ourselves to Him, our spirit is being tied to His, twisting, intertwining and being strengthened. And in this process we exchange our tiredness for His life/energy, our weakness for His strength, our depression for his hope, our fear for faith, our sorrow for joy, our sickness for healing.

Isaiah 30:18 – Why is the Lord waiting? Because He is waiting to tie Himself to you. He wants to be so involved in your life. He wants to give you all you need; he wants you to be able to rise up like an eagle, above the stress of life. He wants to be gracious to you; He wants to have mercy on you.

“How do I wait on the Lord?”
Ps 62:5 “My soul, wait silently for God alone.”
The word wait here in Hebrew is “daman.” It means, “To be dumb (not stupid) but dumb as in silent and still.”
Sometimes we have so much to say to God. To wait is to stop asking and praying and just wait quietly.
Lam 3:35 “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, those who seek Him.”
Waiting involves seeking – time in the word, in worship, in prayer and meditation.

There is no strength exchange in clapping your hands to a dead statue at the shrine or temple. It’s in waiting on the Living God. If you are dealing with negativity, depression, tiredness or the feeling of wanting to withdraw don’t just sit there, open your heart and approach God by seeking Him – Time in worship, in prayer and meditation. But allow Him to speak; sometimes we have to zip it to allow God the chance to speak to us.
He is waiting and wanting to tie Himself to you, to bless you, to strengthen you and cause you to rise up.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Team from Malaysia

Last month we had a visit from a team from Malaysia. Dr Yap Chen Sing and her team came to do a concert and a praise and worship seminar in Kyoto Gospel church plus some other ministry around the kansai area. We were lucky enough to have them stay with us.

Dr Yap's preaching and teaching was a great encouragement to the church and especially the music ministry of the church.

Here we are on the steps if the church ready to say goodbye.
Check out her website here All the Earth

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am a Child of God, Called by God, Sent by God, God is with me, and He will deliver me.

I came across this passage recently and preached from it here at church. I want to share it with you here on our blog.

I want to talk about God’s call and the fear we sometimes experience in following that call.

Jeremiah 1:1-9, 11
This passage was written more than 2000 years ago. It is God’s call to Jeremiah to be a voice to his nation. These words can apply to us today.

Verse 5. “Before I formed you I knew you.” You weren’t a surprise to God. Even before you’re mum and dad got together, God had a plan for you. God doesn’t send his angels to hospitals to see who the new kds are.
“Hey God look here, it’s a girl.” “What’s her name?” “I wasn’t expecting her, what will I do with her?”

NO amazingly God was thinking of you long before your birth. God made your body in your mother’s womb and he has a marvellous plan for your life. You can live it your way or you can come to Jesus and find his plan and purpose for your life.
Jeremiah was discovering the reason for his life; he was to be a voice to his nation.

Verse 6. “I cannot speak for I am a youth.” I always find it funny when I here Japanese people speaking in English and they say, “I can’t speak English.” But ... you just did. What they mean is, “I can’t speak English very well. And I’m afraid to try in case I make a mistake.” Its fear and Jeremiah was also speaking with fear.
We have all given God a similar excuse at some time. I cannot speak, I’m a youth. I cannot speak, I’m a new Christian, .... I’m busy, ..... I’m tired, ...I’m shy, ...I’m Japanese and I don’t want to stand out. What excuse do you have?

Verse 7. “But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, I am a youth.”
The Lord tonight is saying, “Do not say I’m shy. Do not say I’m weak, I’m a new Christian, I’m busy, I’m old, I’m young, I’m Japanese, we don’t do it that way.”

“For you shall go to whom I send you and whatever I command you, you shall speak.” God is sending us to the people around us. The people in our work place, school, in our community.

Verse 8. “Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am able to deliver you – says the Lord.” Do not be afraid. Don’t let fear stop you doing what you have been called to do.

Verse 9. “Then the Lord put forward His hand and touched my mouth.” How has the Lord touched us? He has promised to give His Holy Spirit and said, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses.”
The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to empower you to be a witness. So we need to seek and be filled with His Holy Spirit, and go out to be a witness.

Verse 11. "More over the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, What do you see?” What do you see?

When you are out of this meeting, back in the real world, what do you see? Do you see a lost world? DO you really notice? Does it grip your heart? They are lost and going to hell.

When you look at your own life, what do you see? I’m weak, I’m shy, I’m afraid. Or do you see yourself as God’s child, “I am a child of God, I am called by God, I am sent by God and He is with me, He is able to deliver me.”

God is calling you to be a voice, to your family, to your school, to your work place, to your university, to this community to this city and maybe even to this nation.

Synchronized swimming.

I have come across an interesting sport program in Junior High School for boys here in Japan. Synchronized swimming. As funny as it sounds for teenage boys, well it is.
It all started from a movie and TV show called, "Water Boys." In it, a bunch of boys are interested in joining the synchro swimming team because they want to check out the new sports teacher. However she is pregnant, (not that you could tell) and after the first training session she goes off to hospital and has her baby. Very funny but strange. And so the boys set out to learn synchro swimming from a dolphin trainer and then have their first performance in front of family and all the girls from the neighbouring girls school.

Last month Sharon and I went off to watch one of the young guys from Church. He had a synchronized swimming compation at his school. Very entertaining and funny. The boys dance in front of their mum's and dad's and all the girl's from their year level. And then they are in the water to do their performance.

I couldn't help but think there is no way 13 year old Australia boys would do this in front of their mum's and dad's and the girl's from their school.

Most of the boy's seemed to enjoy themselves, some however were a little shy. No eye contact could be made.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Excuses I have heard.

I was thinking of how lots of people have excuses for not becoming a Christian or for not coming to church.
The following are some of the excuses I have come across in Japan; maybe they are everywhere, maybe even yours:

"I'm not a Christian so I can't come to church."
Who said you had to be a Christian to come to church. To enter a mosque maybe you need to be a Muslim, to enter a cult's meeting you need to be a member i.e. Jehovah Witness, Mormon etc. But a Christian Church, we are all welcome.
Jesus gives an invitation to all. He said, "For this reason I have come, to seek and save sinners." He said, "Come to me all who are tired and carry a heavy load and I will give you rest."

If you have ever had these thoughts that you couldn't come then just come and experience Christ's love and acceptance for you. You are welcome.

“My Family is Buddhist so I can’t be a Christian.”
Who told you this lie? At some point your great, great, great grandpa became a Buddhist. Probably because he was told he had to or there was nothing else at the time to put his trust in. At some point he chose to be a Buddhist. Do you therefore not have a free choice to believe in what you want?

“I’m afraid of what my family will say.”
Your fear will keep you from finding peace, purpose and meaning of life. Your fear will also stop your family from receiving this new life in Jesus. If you become a Christian you could be the light of Jesus that brings the hope of Jesus to the rest of your family.

“I have other plans / I have something to do.”

Will you allow your plans and the things you do to stop you from finding what life is really about? So many people have no idea what life is about and they never face this question because they fill life up so much that they have no time to stop and reflect. “What is my life? Where am I going? Why am I here?”
Is your diary so full that you have no time to consider what is important?

“Oh, I’ve been to church before.”
Yes you may have been before, but if you’ve been to my house once does that mean you know me. To strengthen your faith in God or discover why so many trust in Jesus you have to come more than once. What you may have heard last time may only have be the beginning of what Jesus wants to say to you.

So if you are in Australia grab a friend and be at church this Sunday and see what Jesus has wants to say to you.
If you are living in Kyoto come visit us and come to our church. Jesus will answer all your questions about life and give you purpose for your existence. You are not just a number in Japan but a loved person made by God.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yukata night.

Last month we had a great summer night. Yukata night. It was a great night of fun, dancing and singing. Plus Sharon shared a great message.

Girls are the same everywhere they love to dress up.

We are trying the Don Obori dance pose with Moegi Chan. "Joy Joy Joy."

The girls making a yummy snow cone. "Arigato."

Thankyou Hanna for organise a good night.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Proverbs take on Friendship.

How do you spell friend in English. FRIEND. When I was a child I would always get the IE mixed up. Then I learnt this saying. “If you fri a friend, it will be the end of your friend.”
How do we make BF that will last forever? Most people can make BF but can’t keep them forever.

Take a look at what the book of Proverbs has to say on friendship. Proverbs is a book of random thoughts on many subjects, so I have gone searching for the principles of friendship that are in this book.
These principles could also help you in your marriage; they could make you a better husband or a better wife. They could even help you find a wife or a husband.

How to make friends and keep them forever.

1. Proverbs 12:26 Choose your friends carefully.

2. Proverbs 19:6 Give gifts.
This verse is not about bribing; giving gifts to your friends is not a bad thing if done with the right motivation. It is a good way to show someone you desire friendship. Gifts can also be giving of our time or writing a note/ card to encourage another person. Sometimes I will send an email to my friends to say hi and encourage them. Japanese people already have a culture of gift giving. Do it to strengthen your friendships.

3. Proverbs 22:11 He who loves purity of heart has pure motives.
When you approach friendships your motives should not be, “What can I get from this friendship?” but “What can I give?” No body wants a friend who is using them. You have to have pure motives for friendships to last...... Everybody wants to be the king’s friend because the king has power and wealth. But who will the king choose to be friends with? A person of pure motives, not a person trying to get what the king has.

4. Proverbs 16:28 The Whisperer.
If you want to separate your friendship, talk about your friend when they are not with you; whisper, gossip about your friends. “Do you know what they told me?” “Do you know what they did last week?”
Don’t make friends with whisperers and don’t be a whisperer. Stop it. It’s only going to hurt .....

5. Proverbs 17:9 Keep a friend, Cover a friend.

6. Proverbs 18:24 Keep a Friend, Be a Friend.
True friendship has to be both ways.

7. Proverbs 27:9 Take Time to Listen.
Hearty council comes from a person who listens. You can’t bring delight to your friends if you don’t listen. Stop talking and listen to your friends.

8. Proverbs 27:14 Take Time to Listen.

To be a good friend we have to be ready to listen.

9. Proverbs 17:17 A Friend loves at all times
A Friend loves even in the hard times, even when our friends make mistakes and hurt us; a friend loves.

So how would you match up with these principles? Would you give yourself a 9 out of 9 or do you have some areas of friendship to work on. These principles aren’t written to condemn and say you’re a bad friend but to say, “If you want to be a better friend and have friendships that last forever, follow these principles.”

Sometimes I haven’t been a good friend. Sometimes I haven’t given gifts, sometimes I’ve been a whisperer, sometimes I haven’t covered a friend with love and sometimes I haven’t listened. But I have made a decision to be a good friend, to put my friends first. As I get older I want to make sure I have good quality friends.

How are your relationships in life? Do you have the friendships you need to carry you through the rough times of life?

A friend loves at all times. I want to say that the friend who loves at all times despite all your weaknesses and mistakes is Jesus and he is always waiting to have a wonderful friendship with you.


1.12:26 正しい人は悪を離れ去る、しかし悪しき者は自ら道に迷う。
The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.

2.19:6 気前のよい人にこびる者は多い、人はみな贈り物をする人の友となる。
Many entreat the favor of the nobility, and every man is a friend to one who gives gifts.

3.22:11 心の潔白を愛する者、その言葉の上品な者は、王がその友となる。
He who loves purity of heart and has grace on his lips, the king will be his friend.

4.16:28 偽る者は争いを起し、つげ口する者は親しい友を離れさせる。
A perverse man sows strife, and a whisperer separates the best of friends.

5.17:9 愛を追い求める人は人のあやまちをゆるす、人のことを言いふらす者は友を離れさせる。
He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends.

6.18:24 世には友らしい見せかけの友がある、しかし兄弟よりもたのもしい友もある。
A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

7.27:9 油と香とは人の心を喜ばせる、しかし魂は悩みによって裂かれる。
Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.

8.27:14 朝はやく起きて大声にその隣り人を祝すれば、かえってのろいと見なされよう。
He who blesses his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it will be counted a curse to him.

9.17:17 友はいずれの時にも愛する、兄弟はなやみの時のために生れる。
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

A night at Starbucks.

Check out our Nexus blog for the latest. Nexus blogspot

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Japanese are very talented - Part 2.

This guy is amazing. I saw him play the same song with Tommy Immanuel on another you tube video. Enjoy....

Saturday, August 23, 2008

From Emptiness to Fullness

Recently I felt compelled to write out my testimony in less than 100 words and make a gospel track so I could give it out to people when the opportunity arose.

Have you ever felt empty inside? I used to feel empty inside and wondered why I was the way I was. What was the point to my life? As a child I learnt about Jesus but I never knew Him. As a young person I felt insecure; I was shy and wouldn't say much. But one day ....


I was told if I put my trust in jesus and followed Him, He would give me new life and make life better. I surrendered to Jesus and decided to follow Him. From that day I went from feeling empty to being full. I now have a purpose for my life. I have gone from being insecure to being secure in who I am.


I have discovered we are all seperated from the God who created us because of sin and selfishness. We life our way.


We try many things to bridge this gap. Praying at shrines and temples, being a good person etc.


We try many things to fill the emptiness in our lives - more money, more shopping, relationships, gambling, and so on. But only a relationship with Jesus can fill our empitnessand help us cross to the God who created us.


Do you want to cross the gap? Do you want to have a fulfilled, purpose filled life?


Without a relationship with Jesus you will remain seperated from God forever.


You can know Him today by praying to Him. "Jesus, help me know you. Forgive me of my sin and show me a fulfilled, purpose filled life. Amen"

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Church Summer camp

August is Summer camp time in Kyoto Gospel Church. One week all the children and youth go away for camp and then the following week everyone can go to the summer camp conference which is held with a number of other churches.

We went to a place near Kobe called Sanda and we stayed in the New Hankyu Hotel. It was very nice.

Yuichi making some beats on an Electric kit. Hiroto is in the front watching, he loves drums.

Welcome team.

The girls led some awesome Praise and Worship. What a great meeting with God.
I suppose one other highlight was having our own room with our own shower, beds and a TV.
I was able to enjoy watching the Olympics. GO Australia.

We all need friends.

I have been preaching a series on Friendships recently. I have enjoyed this series as I have reflected on the many friendships I have had over my life. Friends are important. Some I wish I could spend more time with and some I wish I could get rid of. lol. :) I love you all and thank you for reading.

Here are some thoughts.

Proverbs 18:24 “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
Nobody wants to be alone. We all have a desire for friendship. The truth is we were made for friendship and the bible is full of principles to help us have good friendships.

1. To keep your friends you have to be friendly.

If you don’t give to your friendships they will slowly weaken.
Matt 7:12 “Therefore whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them.” In friendship you have to sow what you want to reap. If you want friends to be there for you when you are in need; be there for them. If you want your friends to forgive you when you make mistakes; then forgive them. Be the friend you want others to be to you.

2. Be friendly first. I have heard many people say, “But I don’t have any friends.” Every time I hear this I point to this verse. You want friends? Be friendly yourself.

3. You need Sticky Friends. Notice it says, “…a friend who sticks…” We need friends that stick to us like honey, no matter what we go through. And if we want sticky friends then we have to be sticky friends as well.

4. Why does it say “But”? Because even when you’re not friendly, even when you’re ugly, even when you’ve made mistakes, even if all your friends have left you. You are not alone. There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Jesus is the stickiest friend; he is the best friend who is better than a brother. He will stick with you no matter what if you come into friendship with Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He sicks closer than a brother.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Japanese are very talented.

Every now and then I come across some really talented Japanese people.

Check out the video of this girl Koharu. She makes this thing come alive. Whatever Japanese people apply themselves to they go for excellence.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Korean Invasion

We had a team of Koreans from YWAM visit our church last week. They were a beautiful team of young people. They have a great heart to pray and reach out to Japan. They were traveling around Japan visiting different places and we were blessed to have them come here for one night.

Friday, July 25, 2008

hikikomori - shut in's

I have wanted to right about this for some time. I have been reading about a problem that is amongst some young Japanese people. One leading Pscyhiatrist went as far to say there was as many as 1 million people who suffer from this. 1% of the population.
"a problem known in Japan as hikikomori, which translates as "withdrawal" and refers to a person sequestered in his room for six months or longer with no social life beyond his home. (The word is a noun that describes both the problem and the person suffering from it and is also an adjective, like "alcoholic.") Some hikikomori do occasionally emerge from their rooms for meals with their parents, late-night runs to convenience stores or, in Takeshi's case, once-a-month trips to buy CD's. And though female hikikomori exist and may be undercounted, experts estimate that about 80 percent of the hikikomori are male, some as young as 13 or 14 and some who live in their rooms for 15 years or more."
This is from an interesting article by a journalist who visited some shut in's.

Another issue that faces Japan is suicide. Last year around 30,000 people comitted suicide in Japan. That is an enourmous amount of people who have struggled with live to the point that they have given up. Not to count those who continue to struggle through life with out any saving hope or a way out; wishing they could die.

Everyday that we are here I pray that we might have an opportunity to share the Grace and Love of Jesus with people. Grace that says "You don't have to work hard to get life, just believe and recieve." Love that says, "I love you as you are."

Pray for us as we position ourselves as light in this country and pray for Japan that they may see God's love for them.

Out of Darkness

Have you ever been in such darkness it scared you? When I was 18yrs I went to work in a coal mine. About 1.5 kilometres underground. We had to wear these helmets with a little light on the front so we could see.
My first day of doing this was training day. We went down in an underground car. It was like riding on a roller coaster in the dark. Because the roof was low it felt like we were going really fast. We would be turning right and left, and over little dips. It was great. Eventually we stopped and had to get out. The car drove off and we stood there with our lights on. Then we were told. “Now turn your lights off.” It was pitch black. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face. My heart was pounding. It felt like eternity before we were told, “OK, turn on your lights. Your light is important take care of it.” Wow. I came to appreciate light through that experience. We cannot live without light or we will go crazy and eventually we will die.

Is 59:9b–10a and 60:1-2. This was written more than 2000 yrs ago. The nation of Israel had heard from God many times in the past but because of their sin He was silent and mankind was living in darkness. Waiting in hope that one day their Messiah would come and bring light.

When Jesus came, He brought light. John 8:12
12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” People gathered to the light; wherever Jesus went, people gathered to see and hear Him.

Spiritually we are all in darkness and we need Jesus to bring light to our lives. The light of understanding that will cause us to respond; “Oh, that’s why I am here. That’s my purpose. You love me.” You have a purpose for being here. You are not just here just to exist, eat food, sleep, go shopping, make babies, eat more food, sleep and then die. You have a purpose.

Japan is a nation with so much light- neon signs everywhere. Yet as a people – there is so much darkness. People are lost in the darkness, crying out, “Help me. Is there more to life? Why am I here? Won’t someone notice me?”

Last Monday night I went out to a Sushi train restaurant. Afterward we walked around 3rd Planet at BiVi; it’s an entertainment centre with lots of computer games. We were both amazed. It was a Monday night and there were so many people out. Most of them were playing games alone. “Wow, look at these people, they are adults, not kids.” Most people were in their 30’s. “They are lonely and bored.” The truth is they are in the darkness and not sure how to get out so they are trying to escape by playing a computer game.

We are all in darkness until we meet Jesus. Then He sends us to be the light of the world. Matt 5:14.
Yet sometimes as Christians we can feel like we are alone in darkness. Sometimes it feels like Jesus is far off. “He’s not answering my prayer. I don’t know what to do next with my life. I want to get married but he hasn’t brought my partner to me yet. My family isn’t saved. My friends won’t listen. God are you there?”

No matter what is happening in your life, you are not alone; He is always with you. His word is a light to your feet, a lamp unto your path. He is the light within you. Though you walk through the valley of shadow of death – He is with you. The valley of darkness, the valley of singleness, the valley of feeling like a failure, the valley of loneliness. Whatever your valley is – you’re not alone.
Sometimes we can feel like we are on a YAMA with KAMI SAMA. Other times it may feel like a dark valley. But He is walking with you, lighting the way. He is calling you to trust Him.

Is 59:9b–10a and 60:1-2.

59:9b We look for light, but there is darkness! For brightness, but we walk in blackness!
59:10a We grope for the wall like the blind, And we grope as if we had no eyes;

60:1 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.

60:2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.

Matt 5:14
14 “You are the light of the world.”

Sushi is growing on me.

My first experience of sashimi (raw fish) was enough to make me want to vomit (it was a cheap and nasty meal.) But I have had 4 opportunities to eat sushi in the last 4 months and have enjoyed the food and the experience.

My favourite, Hamburger sushi.

Next there was the raw salmon.

Kaiten zushi is what the Japanese call this style of restaurant. They find it funny that we refer to it in the west as a sushi train restaurant. The place we went to costs $1.00 per plate. So the locals really throw down a few plates worth. We waited 2 hours to get a table (it was a public holiday though.)

First time we went was with one of our English classes. You can see Sharon and I looking through from the other side.

The second time I went was with a Japanese pastor from America. He left Japan when he was 15 yrs old and has been living in Texas for the last 16 years. He has a very strong Texan accent and a great appetite for sushi. I had a great time eating and talking with him.

Third time we went for sushi was with our Pastor and his wife. What a great couple they are.
He likes the expensive $2.00 plates.

And the forth time of eating sushi this month was at a sushi party. We had to roll our own sushi. I tried eveything, salmon, eel, octopus, suid, and mince. lol.

But, you can't beat a BBQ Japanese style with Aussie beef. We were told they had too much meat and didn't want to keep it so we had to eat it all. I said, "No problem, I need to catch up on my meat eating." Delicious..........